Every industrial revolution has brought tremendous progress. The first one, which took place in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, transitioned from manual production methods to machines, new techniques and processes of production, and greater use of steam and water power.

The second industrial revolution, also called the technological revolution, was marked by new scientific discoveries, standardization, mass production, and industrialization. It occurred from the late nineteenth century to the beginning of the twentieth.

The third industrial revolution, the digital revolution, represents the flourishing of digital electronics, or the transition from mechanical and analog electronic technology to digital. It started in the second half of the twentieth century through the spread of digital record keeping, communication technology, and the beginning of computer science.

There is no way back. If we think of one of the previous industrial revolutions, the spirit of the forgotten times emanates from them, which we would not want to return to. The world spins faster today. What used to take us twenty years now happens in two years or less. Communication channels have changed. The world has become much more transparent, connected, and therefore interdependent.

Thus, we have entered the fourth industrial revolution, characterized by general digitization, artificial intelligence, and intelligent automation. And as a result, the global connection of everything with everything.

The opportunity of the fourth industrial revolution

However, this revolution must be different from previous ones. Perhaps for the first time, we will witness a turning back, a return to nature. On the one hand, the fourth revolution must support the digitization of tangible industry and automation or the penetration of artificial intelligence. On the other hand, it must accelerate the care of the planet. Because finally, we must admit that all the globalization, industrialization, and different approaches to making life easier have strongly disturbed–If not destroyed–the natural balance.

We are losing plant and animal species, the rainforest is shrinking, glaciers are melting, the Earth’s climate is getting warmer, and the pollution of water and nature is increasing. The strangest thing scientists have found in fish not so long ago was some toxic elements like mercury. Today, fish are full of microplastics.

Perhaps most worryingly, life expectancy has started to decline–for the first time in history. The effect is most distinctive in the most developed countries.

Two forces leading in opposite directions

The motto of the fourth revolution should therefore be: For the progress of everything, including people and the planet. We always find ourselves in front of the critical question: How to achieve it?

We have two trends that work almost against each other. The first supports technology. We strive for greater efficiency–we want higher-resolution screens, phones with better cameras, greater battery capacities, better connectivity, and automation of everything.

The critical question is: What do all of us get from these? Other than a better picture on TV, more modern cars, and instant insight, how is that influencer dressed today, or what perfume did she use?

People are not becoming self-sufficient and independent. They are still heavily dependent on institutions. One of the most significant dependencies relates to financial institutions. As modern-day enslaved people, we have credit cards loaded with debt, we pay unreasonable fees for every transaction, while money deposited in the bank account brings almost no interest. Those with loans live with a noose around their neck and pray daily that no one tightens it.

Another trend advocates a return to nature. The voice is getting louder and louder. Not only in the sense of criticizing globalization and destroying the planet, but people walk the talk.

We value and appreciate natural products, home-grown food, ethical businesses, and the green industry more and more.

The situation has gone so far that many are willing to pay more for green electricity than conventional electricity generated in a “dirty” way. For example, by burning coal in thermal power plants.

The user’s demands are getting louder and louder. People demand clean technology that reduces CO2 in the environment. They require new ideas and switch to a new, higher but humane level of operation. They want to contribute to reducing carbon footprint, and they want to become CO2 negative.

They also want to be a part of the monetization of this silent revolution since they are not just watching how banks and large financial institutions reap the profits while the little man picks up the crumbs and stays dependent on the financial organizations.

A positive shift for the fourth industrial revolution

We are still at the beginning of the fourth revolution despite the progress. There haven’t been many revolutionary ideas in recent decades. We have a lot of improvements brought about by the development of technology, but these mainly relate to the optimization of old ideas.

Artificial intelligence is not new, as its first practical use dates back to 1955. The first electric car is not Tesla. (Oh, really?) It was produced way more than a hundred years ago. Virtual reality is not something that Zuckerberg originated through Meta. It was introduced back in 1987.

What is new and revolutionary, anyway?

If we combine the wishes of both trends–advocates of development and technology and supporters of natural life–the list narrows even further. Still, there is one bright star that could pave the way for a true revolution.

The Online Industrial Exchange (OIX in short), part of the massive billion-dollar Themis Ecosystem, promises to be a step in the right direction. The Themis Ecosystem is based on the distribution of goods among all those involved in the process.

The system comprises advanced but proven, already working technologies that will mark the main areas of life in the next fifty years. One of the essential requirements is that the technologies are green and CO2 negative.

The connecting unit of all technologies is the so-called Online Industrial Exchange, where technology providers and supporters meet.

Online Industrial Exchange, a window to the future

Since the beginning of the technology expansion, supporters can participate by buying the so-called Industrial Token (iTo), issued by the technology carrier. It is an electronic voucher with a declared value, consisting of two components: the final product that the technology creates (for example, green electricity) and the share of the negative carbon footprint created by the entire process.

Since the number of iTos is limited and the technologies are contractually bound to expand, the price of iTos will increase in the future for this reason alone. The holder of iTos can decide whether to keep them for the long term or sell them.

If he keeps them, he lowers the carbon footprint for himself and his family, like how the purchase of CO2 coupons reduces it for a company. Consequently, the family does not have to change their lifestyle to lower their CO2 emissions but continue to live as before.

This idea is revolutionary for several reasons. It offers a new green deal where everybody can participate directly. Selected but proven technologies are getting support. The iTo digitizes the products, which means they are on the fast track to the fourth industrial revolution.

As the projects are obligated to expand, they will reduce more and more CO2. This way, Themis Ecosystem directly and concretely contributes to the reduction of CO2 in the atmosphere.

Since the technology must be completely green, Themis Ecosystem and OIX also encourage the reduction of all harmful emissions and the creation of everything that harms nature.

At the same time, OIX enables direct cooperation between technologies and supporters. iTos, which owners can sell on the Online Digital Exchange, serves as a store of value and a personal or family carbon footprint reducer.